If you seek a solution to enhance your team's efficiency and maintain their motivation, cloud management software presents a compelling answer.
AWS managed service consultants are dead in the water
Amazon AWS is a constantly evolving and expanding platform which means that one person having the knowledge you need is getting harder and harder. So an AWS consultant might be ok for a targeted area but for a larger engagement, you need a team. This is also driven by the sheer number of releases and updates to Amazon AWS across their service catalogue.
This is a challenge consultants face. AWS is built on the basis of having complex, deep and often overlapping services that can be configured into applications and systems. AWS consultants need to understand the platform as a whole and have specialist knowledge about the areas their customers need in different scenarios.
AWS is changing on a daily basis, with new features being added. An AWS consulting team can assist you in staying current. There is a breadth of knowledge across a team that is easier to keep up to date rather than one individual.
Cloud professional skills shortage
It's no secret that in the UK there is a shortage of skilled IT professionals who are AWS cloud experts. This is only set to get worse as more and more workloads are moved to the cloud. Having a team of AWS experts on board as part of a cloud management service is a good way to both support your cloud and mitigate a member of your team leaving.
If you are a managed service company that manages cloud and on-premise infrastructure for your customers then it becomes more and more important to have multiple layers of cover. With the market being so short of talent the rates being paid for consultants and professionals keep going up.
In this environment, recruitment of a smaller and smaller pool of talent becomes more aggressive with companies pitching at technical events to staff from other companies. At the recent MSP Summit North, one member of the panel made no secret that the five technical roles he is recruiting will probably come from the businesses in the room.
Why is an expert AWS Consultant hard to find?
AWS Consultants Left Behind if They Don't Adapt
AWS has been around for a while now and many AWS consultants have not moved their game on with the times. More automation, analytics, and machine learning features which AWS consultants need to keep up to date with in order to remain relevant have been added.
There are also other cloud providers who offer some of the same services as AWS but with their own unique twist. AWS managed service consultants need to be aware of these services and the advantages they offer in order to remain competitive and relevant in today’s AWS-based market.
To find out more about if an AWS consultant will be the best option, read our article here.
In Summary
AWS is an ever-evolving cloud platform and AWS managed service consultants need to stay up-to-date with the latest AWS offerings. AWS is also short on skilled AWS professionals and companies are competing to secure the best talent for their teams. AWS consultants must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive in this ever-changing market.
If you're looking for an AWS hire to augment your team or need backup in case a team member leaves then its time to consider CloudOps. CloudOps brings together a set of market leading tools for cloud management into one portal and the support and advisory services you need for your business. All in one turn key cloud management service.
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