CloudOps blog

Posts by Chris Fennell (Chief Operating Officer):

Overcoming the Top DevOps Challenges for SaaS DevOps Teams

Overcoming the Top DevOps Challenges for SaaS DevOps Teams

As Software as a Service (SaaS) continues to grow as a business model, DevOps teams are increasingly used in isolation within a business to deliver seamless, scalable, and secure services. Often, some of the supporting functions are scaled back or removed to focus on DevOps and faster feature delivery.

However, implementing effective DevOps for your business has its challenges. Here we explore the top five challenges faced by SaaS DevOps teams and strategies to overcome them.

Recruiting a Microsoft Cloud Professional: Maybe It's Time to Think Again

Recruiting a Microsoft Cloud Professional: Maybe It's Time to Think Again

How we all work has changed drastically over the last ten years- remote working, the gig economy, changes to how consultants are taxed, changes to national insurance contributions. All of this has led businesses to reassess in-house hires.

Traditionally, hiring an in-house Microsoft Cloud professional might have seemed like the logical choice. However, as the UK economy evolves, it's time to reconsider this approach and explore the benefits of a managed service backed up by a team of Azure experts.

Microsoft Azure Partners and Their Impact: Working for You

Microsoft Azure Partners and Their Impact: Working for You

The role of Microsoft Azure partners has become increasingly important over the last decade. These partners play a crucial role in enabling businesses to harness the full potential of Azure's capabilities, ensuring smooth migrations, optimal resource management, and sustained growth.

In this blog, we delve into the world of Microsoft Azure partners and explore how their impactful collaborations can work for you.

Simplifying AWS Management: The Power of AWS Cloud Automation

Simplifying AWS Management: The Power of AWS Cloud Automation

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is at the forefront of the cloud industry, offering a wide range of services that enable organisations to scale, innovate, and prosper. Nevertheless, overseeing AWS infrastructure can be complex and time-intensive, often demanding a substantial allocation of resources.

This is where the effectiveness of AWS cloud automation becomes evident, streamlining management responsibilities and unlocking the advanced capabilities of AWS.

Cost-Effective AWS Business Support Pricing

Cost-Effective AWS Business Support Pricing

AWS offer a range of support plans at different price points, but one big drawback is getting access to an AWS expert if you are not on a higher plan. This often makes the cloud providers' support plans ineffective except for enterprises paying a lot of money.

This is where we at IG CloudOps come into our own, offering cost-effective support plans with dedicated access to a seasoned AWS team based in the UK. 

Reducing your AWS spend: Top AWS Management Tools You have never heard of

Reducing your AWS spend: Top AWS Management Tools You have never heard of

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers an array of powerful cloud services that can revolutionise your business operations. However, as you scale your infrastructure, AWS costs can escalate quickly, leading to unexpected and substantial expenses. To maintain financial efficiency without compromising performance, businesses need to optimise their AWS spending.